Sunday, January 9, 2011

Brevity & Levity

Have the best day of work ever

This isn’t a particularly interesting post. I’m quickly learning that some things, however valuable they may be, aren’t worth writing about.

I work in the mornings as a recess monitor at a middle school and in the afternoons as a one-on-one in an after-school program. This being the first week back from a two-week holiday break, the children have been a bit insane.

In both jobs my primary goal was to stay calm, enforce the rules, and have fun.

Notable occurrences:

-       I calmly let a group of sixth-graders know that teasing a small autistic girl was not appropriate behavior.

-       I stood in front of the door and made a screaming mob of eighth-graders wait an extra five minutes before they could go inside.

-       I played 4 games of chess, 3 games of kings corner, and 17 matches of foosball.

And that was pretty much it. The day was calm and uneventful; I focused on positive thinking, and drove home with a smile on my face. No real story here, but if I went into work with this mentality every day than I think I would lead a happier life.

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